TPM - Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance

What is TPM?

  • TPM is wholistic approach that strives to achieve
    • Zero breakdowns
    • No production stoppages
    • No accidents
    • High quality
  • TPM creates a shared responsibility for equipment
  • TPM enhances integrity of production

Improve Equipment Uptime by 10%

Equipment/Machine Catalogue

  • Create and maintain equipment directory
  • Allocate equipment by value stream
  • Add new equipment to the directory
  • Generate QR Code for each equipment
  • Track equipment transfers from one location to another
Machine Catalogue
Maintenance Team Management

Maintenance Team Management

  • Register individual technicians and note their skill sets
  • Assign shifts
  • Manage shift calendars and leave records
  • Manage technician OT records
  • Create maintenance teams and assign tasks
  • Schedule Maintenance Calendar for each team

Breakdown Maintenance

  • Generate breakdown ticket by scanning QR Codes
  • Assign ticket to maintenance technician or teams
  • Track ticket closure
  • Measure the time taken to close tickets
  • Generate spare part requisitions
  • Track issuance of spares from the store
  • Breakdown analytics for insight-driven decision-making
Breakdown Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance

  • Formulate unique maintenance checklists for each equipment type per time interval
  • Prepare a maintenance schedule for each equipment for the year
  • Measure the man hours required to complete each schedule
  • Plan Spares’ Stock to meet schedule requirements
  • Generate tickets
  • Assign tickets to teams
  • Track ticket closure and schedule adherence
  • MIS and analytics for enhanced understanding

Equipment Management

  • Monitor the performance of enterprise equipment
  • Equipment life cycle from planning to disposal
  • Automate maintenance processes
  • Maximize equipment life and efficiency
  • Improve safety and compliance

Asset Management

  • Integrated with Asset Management feature
  • Asset audits and reports
  • Reconciliation of books at the end of Financial Year
Equipment Management